Household Apps

Top Deals

Cleaning, Drying, and Making Life Easier

Household chores might not be the most exciting part of our daily routines, but they're essential nonetheless. Luckily, technology has given us a helping hand with the invention of home appliances. These days, you can find a household app for nearly everything, and to be honest, we're not complaining!

Imagine being able to control your washing machine or vacuum cleaner from your smartphone. With a few taps, you can have your clothes washed, dried, and ready to wear, or have your carpets cleaned without lifting a finger. In fact, according to a recent study, 75% of US households now use at least one smart home device, and the majority of these are household appliances controlled by apps. You could be part of this statistic, just by downloading a few apps!

  • Washer Dryers
  • Vacuum Cleaners
  • Steam Cleaners

Turning Up the Heat with Cooking Apps

Do you love cooking, but hate the monotonous tasks that come with it? Or perhaps you're a novice chef, looking for some guidance in the kitchen. Well, we've got the solution for you - cooking apps!

Whether it's controlling your oven's temperature, setting a timer for your roast, or even finding the perfect recipe for dinner, there's an app for that. In fact, it's estimated that 20% of American households now use a cooking app, making meal preparation a breeze. Here are a few appliances that can be controlled via apps:

  • Cookers
  • Ovens
  • Microwaves

Creating a Comfortable Indoor Climate

Keeping your home at the perfect temperature can be a challenge, especially with changing seasons. But did you know that there are household apps available to control your home's climate? It's true!

From air conditioners to fans, heaters to dehumidifiers, you can control it all from your smartphone. Statistics show that around 30% of US households are now using these smart devices, ensuring their homes are always at the perfect temperature. Check out these appliances that can be controlled via apps:

  • Air Purifiers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Heating systems


In conclusion, household apps are revolutionizing the way we manage our homes. From cleaning and drying to cooking and controlling indoor climate, these apps make our lives easier and more convenient. With the rising popularity and increasing utility of these applications, it's clear that the future of household management lies in the palm of our hands. So why not embrace the future and start downloading these life-changing apps today?
