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Books & Magazines: The Ultimate Escape

Books and magazines are like personal portals to different universes. According to the American Time Use Survey, people spend an average of 19 minutes per day reading for personal interest [1].

And why not? You can be a wizard in one book, a detective in the next, and a romantic protagonist in another.

  • The Book Thief will steal your heart away.
  • National Geographic magazines will ignite your wanderlust.
  • Game of Thrones novel series will keep you on the edge of your seat.


Gaming: The Adrenaline Rush

Immerse yourself in the electrifying world of video games. The global gaming market was valued at a staggering $162.32 billion in 2020, and it's growing [2].

From gaming consoles like PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X to gaming accessories like steering wheels for racing games, it's a whole new dimension of entertainment.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will give you a fantastic fantasy adventure.
  • A gaming steering wheel for Gran Turismo Sport will make you feel like a racing pro.
  • The Xbox Series X can bring the whole family together with Minecraft.


Music & Musical Instruments: The Soulful Symphony

Music is the universal language of mankind. The global music industry was worth $21.5 billion in 2020, with over 75% of revenue coming from digital music [3].

Whether it's playing an instrument or listening to your favorite tunes, music is an integral part of entertainment.

  • The classic Gibson Les Paul guitar can make you feel like a rockstar.
  • Listening to Billie Eilish's latest album on a quality sound system can be a mesmerizing experience.
  • A digital sheet music for Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata can be your first step towards mastering the piano.



Entertainment is a vast ocean of joy, thrill, and emotions. Books and magazines provide an escape, gaming gives an adrenaline rush, and music is a soulful symphony. Dive in and explore your interests. Remember, life is too short for boring entertainment!
